Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mrs. KPShubert - Um... Testing 1, 2, 24

So I wrote this last Sunday, was having router and blogspot, blogpress issues then I forgot about it... Until I remembered and then forgot again, hello absentminded and exhausted pregnant lady here! Well, there you have my excuses, what's yours?

And without further ado:

I think I mentioned my OB wanting to have me do testing on my kidney function, the purpose of which would be really to check for damage likely caused by unchecked diabetes—from before I was taking care of myself properly. Now, raise your hand if you know what this test requires.

I see no hands—Kurt's doesn't count—so I'll fill you in on this one. They called it the 24 hr pee test. I have to collect 24 hours worth of my urine. It's rather uncomfortable and not a bit awkward. I figured I didn't want to be doing this at work—don't drink he lemonade!—so I set myself for this weekend. I didn't think about being out in public until the last minute. That's when I figured I'd have to take some sort of collection device along. The lab gave me this large Tang orange coloured bottle to pour the specimens in and keep refrigerated, thank God for our extra fridge! The out in public collector was a thermos type cup that I didn't even know we had, from Kansas so I'm thinking it was something he KC Shubert's gave KP one of those trips where he's needed water or whatever for the return trip. And I taped the little holes in the lid shut—no need to tempt whoever is holding it with liquid inside and I'm not sure I could stand the smell anyhow!

I'd like to think I would've been fine with this method in a public place—that is why we toted it along to the laundry mat and it stayed in the car for the trip to Target, Starbucks and Kroger. I, however, never had to use it! I think my bladder was on my side this time... Too creepy for comfort and I made it home in time every time!

LOL! Sounds almost like our company motto (old one) "on time every time"—nice.

I go back to turn it in and see about any insulin adjustments on Thursday but tomorrow... Er really close to today as it's 11:57 pm is the first day of school for Anjoli! She's a sixth grader now and her "new" school is not so new anymore so she'll be one of the old-timers setting a good example for the new crop of 5th graders who probably aren't used to the strict rules and long hours they'll be seeing at LRPA! Woohoo, go Gladiators! Not that I approve of violence or was given choice in the naming of the school mascot...*sigh*

I better get to bed, g'night & love y'all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod touch.

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