If you see my FB posts you might know I bought a couple of outfits of maternity clothes from a resale event recently. They're really nice (for work) clothes and are super comfortable!
I have a couple of pairs of pants for work that have been rather large on me for some time now, so I'm missing one day's worth. Currently, as in until I get one more pair of pants and today specifically, I'm using a pair of pants that make me realize just how comfortable those new clothes are! I haven't had the chance to change out of work clothes today and I'm really regretting not making the time. :-( I'm not hurting myself or the baby I'm just uncomfortable... *sigh*
I'm glad that I haven't totally rid myself of a few favorite pieces that have gotten loose in the last few years - I'll have a decent wardrobe without buying too much more! Hmmm, now that I think about it I have to wonder if I have a coat that will fit me in January?!
I better let y'all off this ride for now, please keep all appendages inside the ride until the vehicle comes to a complete stop. Love y'all!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod touch.
Its actually quite annoying over here because they often have quite nice clothes that are in the maternity range but dont do the equivalent in the "normal" range.