Friday, August 20, 2010

Mrs. KPShubert – Diabetes & You... no, wait that's & Me

It has come to my attention that at least one of my friends was rather freaked out when I divulged that I was pregnant and have diabetes – I think partially because it was thought that I had gestational diabetes.

I do not have gestational diabetes – I have type 2 that was already under control before I conceived. This is not to say that having diabetes is something to sneeze at or that I wouldn't encourage research if you are so inclined – but it's not something that is either so rare or dangerous that it never happens or is never successful.

As it stands I am (technically) a high risk pregnancy. Not only because of the diabetes but I am overweight and I have had multiple miscarriages before this baby. In the beginning when I went to see my OB for this pregnancy he informed me that I'd probably be seeing him once a week for the first couple of months.

After that first visit I went back a week later, he told me to come back in 2 weeks. I went to that appointment yesterday and because my diabetes is so well managed at this point he said to come back in a month. I'm not worried.

I have to call him in a couple of weeks to report in to his nurse (Barbara) but other than that I'm doing very well. :-) I know the risks and I'm not willing to put myself in the position of having a 15 lb watermelon instead of a sweet baby <8 lb!!!

Earlier I said I'm technically a high risk pregnancy – yes I'm in the category but because I'm being so closely watched it's less likely to be an issue than if this was a problem that crept up on me and we were trying to play catch up later.

Okay, if you have any questions, concerns or comments please feel free to leave them here or e-mail me or you can post/message to my Facebook!

Oh – and I'm sad because I found out that the smell of cucumber makes me gag something fierce… *sigh*

I better get back to it… Love y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I did feel a bit concerned have to admit reading your posts - sounded quite serious and yes another thing to worry about on top of all the other worries to do with being pregnant. Im glad you are soo positive though about it. :-) Hugggg Timmmeeee for Lisa !!! xx

