Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mrs. KPShubert - Blessings

Not sure if anyone besides Mr. & Mrs. are actually reading this little blog of (ours) but it’s fun nonetheless!

I just wanted to give a shout of praise to God for all the wonderful blessings He gives us, no matter how much money we do/don’t have we have so much more than all that. God has given me the most wonderful husband—ever! Never did I dream that I’d be married to such an amazing person!

God truly knows what we need and when—I know that I’m way emotional with all these hormones but I truly didn’t know it was so overwhelming when you actually look around and realize that it doesn’t matter if the world falls around your feet, God is good. Always.

Even as I type this Mr. is editing my last blog entry! *sigh* Truly amazing!

Through all this morning sickness he’s been so sweet and understanding—and no I don’t think it’s because of the "suffering" I’ll do to have the baby, although that may play a small part—just that his actions speak of love more than guilt. :-P

So, THANK YOU GOD! You’re a wonderful provider and healer for my soul—thank You for giving me such perfect blessings all the time!


I better get back to it—oh and this is my first e-mailed post—we’ll see how this turns out!

Love y’all!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think I'm getting far too much "credit" here.

    I love Lisa and it makes it a relatively easy thing to be understanding when she's not feeling well or having problems of some sort.

    I would think anyone who loves his wife or her husband would say the same.

    And Who does deserve the praise and glory. I think that Lisa gets right! God only!
