Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mr. KPShubert - A Matter of Taste

I guess it was inevitable. Certainly anybody who knows much of anything about pregnancy and pregnant women would have expected it.

Lisa was talking today about how she normally doesn't care for peanut butter—a fact I can definitely attest to—but has started to use it (on toast) as a substitute to the cereal she much prefers as a breakfast food.

Now at about this point, you're going, "So?" That is, unless you read her FaceBook® post this morning about how adding chunks of cheddar cheese to the mix makes it so much better.

As I say, I guess it was inevitable that the "odd tastes" would kick in sooner or later.

How do I feel about her eating "odd food combinations?" It's fine by me! Heck, if it helps her to keep food down and/or provides nutrients she and the baby need, more power to her! And I might even be persuaded to try a thing or two.

Peanut butter and cheddar doesn't sound all that enticing to me. Then again, I would never have thought of George Washington's peanut soup (I'm sure it existed before he loved it as a foodstuff, but he apparently did love it as a foodstuff) would be a good thing to eat either.

And honestly, they do make peanut butter cheddar crackers which—were it not for the partially hydrogenated oils—I would very much enjoy eating (having had them in past). So maybe this combination is not as odd as it first seems.

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