Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mrs. KPShubert - It's not easy being green!

According to my calendar (from the first day of my last cycle) I'm 9 wks & 3 days into this 9 months and if that's correct Jellybean is now the size of a prune - about 1 1/2 inches long.

Y'all know I'm not a slight girl - but I didn't think I'd be getting uncomfortable in my clothes this early. I'm like - really? Really???

I know it's uncomfortable to sit for long periods of time - like I'm used to - sitting straight up as the baby is now at the bottom of my tummy area and likes to remind me that I'm pregnant. :)

So I'm trying to sit back in my chair and have brought my keyboard - it's on a moving arm from under the desk - to more in front of me. I think this might work.

Yesterday and today I experimented with cereal and milk - and yesterday it didn't make me want to puke but the cereal was one of Anjoli's Kashi (with bananas) and it made my blood glucose over 120 (not much but enough that I thought twice about eating it again). So today I brought one of the Bear Naked types (with berries) to work and it was interesting - and did make me want to puke. I did finish the bowl but it was close. The berries were the "problem" - I'm an okay fan of berries normally but apparently I'm not a fan of freeze dried ones at all!

I had to check the ingredients to make sure (afterwards) that there weren't any strange sugars or chemicals in the berries - nope. Bear Naked is one of those we-don't-use-fake-stuff companies and that's one reason I like them... too bad. My bg after that experiment was 148 - awful compared to what I was hoping and where I should be. I may have to go back to chocolate cheerios or mini-frosted-wheats if I'm going to do cereal. Not that I wouldn't be okay with them - I love those - but I'm afraid that now I won't love them so much as want to hurl them. That's not to mention how my bg will be affected by them now. :(

If you can't tell I'm trying to get to a place where I can eat the same few things each day and get reliable numbers for my bg and not want to throw up - as the title of this blog suggests... It's not easy being green!

I bought some lean pockets (whole grain crust), a couple of cans of black olives and some broccoli/cheese single serve frozen cups. I'm hoping these will be good for my tummy and sugars. I feel like I'm doing a puzzle... if I stick this piece here and then turn the other piece around - did I make a picture of a puppy or a jumbled mass of puke?

We'll know soon enough! :-D I'd better get back to it - love y'all!

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