Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mrs. KPShubert - Jellybean Shubert

So, if you are a friend of mine on Facebook then you've already seen this little Shubert and if not here you are: 

Jellybean Shubert

As Kurt says I was not feeling well for a couple of weeks and he finally said "wake up and smell the baby" - maybe not in so many words. :-)

I think the majority of the nausea is passing - slowly - as I've been able to eat "smelly" foods like tuna recently so we'll see.  My major goal will be to re-integrate dairy into my diet - right now it's just cheese mixed with things like eggs or veggies.  I want my cereal back.

We are (by my calendar) officially going into week 8 starting Saturday 7/31/2010 but the doctor's office says by their measurements (Jellybean's measurement, that is) we are going into week 7 tomorrow, Friday.  I have to say - I was right about Anjoli's due date... I'm just saying!  We'll see.

I love you all, and no it's not just the hormones talking!

1 comment:

  1. I think he/she looks a lot like me right now. Hopefully, he/she will pick up more of mama as he/she gets older! :-P
