Friday, July 30, 2010

Mr. KPShubert - Pregnancy, Diet and Insulin

Okay, so it turns out (as I said in my previous blog), that many diabetes medicines do not mix with pregnancy since ingestion and digestion of the aforementioned medications apparently causes them to "run through" the fetus.

As I said before, the result is that, when Mrs. KPShubert visited her doctor, he told her she would have to discontinue her current medication and begin to do insulin shots.

This--as I have also mentioned--was a matter of some trepidation for our brave young pregnant lady! I mean! Who in the heck wants to give him or—as is the case here—her self shots?!?

Well it turns out this is just the beginning of the saga.

I told the missus when she first began doing the shots not to assume that the immediate results should be the ones she should anticipate in the long run. Her pretty much immediate and totally understandable response was, "Well DUH Sherlock!" Okay, maybe she didn't phrase it exactly like that—my wife can be a lovely and graceful lady (and I believe I recall her having been so in this case).

Being a conscientious lady, she also started looking at ways she needed to modify her diet to keep her blood sugar in the range the doc told her was appropriate (between 95 after "fasting" and something like 120 two hours after meals).

Well, it turns out the insulin changed things pretty drastically! At one point during the day, our lovely pregnant lady found her blood sugar was at something like 60!!! She was shaking, sweating and generally not feeling well—as one might well imagine considering the circumstances.

I am remiss, in that I cannot tell you which of her friends at work helped her to get back to reasonable levels. Needless to say, I am very thankful to that individual for doing so!

So, it turns out the insulin/diet (and I mean eating habits here, not diet in the generally misused sense) adventure is just beginning.

All I can say is, "Hang in there ma!" And of course, "I love you!"

Okay, a quick plug and I will post this:

I have started a new and totally unrelated blog to this one, here on blogspot. You can find it at For ongoing news on Mrs. KPShubert's pregnancy, make sure you keep yourself "tuned in to" this blog (the one you're looking at now). The "new blog" will—funnily enough—be about man's nature.

Okay! Back to your regularly scheduled program!

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