Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mr KPShubert - It's official!

Okay, so firstly I should say that Kroger's pregnancy tests are somewhat on the unsatisfactory side for my liking. Mrs. KPShubert did one test and had a hard time figuring out whether it said yea or nay.

At my urging, she did the other test and concluded it was a "yea" (or a YAY! depending on your point of view). Frankly, she didn't take the initial test until I pretty much told her it was probably something she ought to do. She thought initially that she was just not feeling well and did not assume the reason to be being "in the family way." I think she was also more than a little apprehensive about possibly being pregnant since she has had issues before (I'll leave it to her to tell you what they were if she decides to do so but won't blame her if she doesn't).

The second test was not so much better than the first (same results and where technically they were "conclusive" in reality it was really hard to say). We both assumed  the tests were positve and Mrs. KPShubert scheduled an appointment with her doctor.

The doctor ran her through the normal routine. We should have known it would be almost three hours in his office rather than the hour we were expecting (we took "lunch" thinking that would be enough time to cover the appointment—of course, it wasn't).

The doc switched Mrs. KPShubert from her standard diabetes medication to insulin shots for the duration. Apparently, the stuff she was taking "runs through" the baby as a result of being digested. Mrs. KPShubert was more than a little apprehensive about the shots but seems to be adjusting nicely to having to stick herself with yet one more "needle." Being fair, the thing she has to stick herself with most of the time is more a pin than a needle (the little lancet she uses to check her blood sugar), so there's some adjustment to doing an actual shot.

On top of this, the best place to do the shots turns out to be in "large muscle tissue." As a result, she is currently favouring the thigh area for doing it.

Part of the doctor's appointment was the obligatory "visual ultrasound" (these days, I don't know that they even use the hand, "audio only" ultrasounds all that much, but still...). Hence Mrs. KPShubert's name for the blog (though technically, it may've come from the iPod app that we're using to track "normal progress"). We got to see "our little jellybean" and hear his or her beating heart. It's always amazing--that little heart beating a mile a minute!

Here's my "plug" against abortion. If you have not "seen" the foetus you are about to "remove" through ultrasound and heard the little heartbeat, you probably don't realize that actually is a little baby in there—but it is! End of plug.

Okay, enough on this for now. I'm sure Mrs. KPShubert will have her bit to say so be sure to "tune in" for that.

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