Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mrs. KPShubert - Blood & Hormones

I went to my Ob last Thursday as scheduled because he wanted to follow up on my condition and make sure the miscarriage wasn't causing any other issues etc. They took blood to see where my pregnancy hormone was at and he told me to come back in two months time to do the blood work again - just to be sure the levels went down to zero.

So Monday I get a call from the clinic and the lady tells me (she was very gentle) that I need to come back in two weeks from the last appointment because my blood work came back and it's not as low as they believe it should be. So my next visit will be 9/30 at 4 pm.

I'm not sure if it's related but today I felt awful, I mean I've been feeling a lot better physically but today it was like I had leaned over a railing for some time in the lower abdomen area. I was uncomfortable like when you wear skates and can still feel them when you take them off... My lower abdomen had been skating for hours without me?!

Anyway, I thought you'd like to know that I'm still here - I'm not so depressed that I've done anything rash or silly. Though I am still wanting to cut my hair. ;-)

I should sleep soon, and I will keep you posted as always - love y'all & g'night!

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