Last you heard I'd gone back soon after to do blood work so as to check my hormone levels - - specifically the hCG (pregnancy) hormone. When the initial results came back they told me I was still higher on the scale from where they thought I should be and I had to go back at the 2 week mark from that first appointment.
After that second (post) appointment the results were a bit more favourable - they said I should've been a 5 on the (whatever) scale and I was at a 4 - I was good.
I should have an appointment next Thursday -- oh but wait, they've
Suffering succotash!
So the 2-month post-partum appointment turns into a 3-month p-p appt!
Oh well, c'est la vie!
I know I'm where I'm supposed to be with regards to God - and He's still working on me...
Maybe I'll start a "real" blog! What do you think? Any ideas on what to write on? Maybe cooking & food reviews for local haunts? I don't even dare think my life is exciting enough to just make it with a "journal" type thing - - and not like I'd want to broadcast everything that happens which might interest any & every Jill, Jane & Jessie out there...
Anyhow - here's me saying g'bye until December at least.
Love y'all!